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The Sensaphonics dB Check Pro sound level analyzer is an in-line measurement device for in-ear monitors and headphones used to analyze and display the real-time and average dBA-SPL levels, along with safe listening times, with both earpieces in place.



Sensaphonics dB Check Pro sound level analyzer selected as Finalist for NAMM Technical Excellence and Creativity (TEC) Awards

— Inclusion of new technologies aimed at improving hearing health among musicians marks a positive shift in industry attitudes towards safe listening practices —

— Voting is now open in all categories through January 7; click here to cast your ballot —

Chicago, IL, December 12, 2024 Sensaphonics, a leading designer and manufacturer of custom-fit in-ear monitors, earplugs and electronics designed to achieve safe, high-resolution audio in mission-critical applications, is pleased to announce that its revolutionary new dB Check Pro sound level analyzer has been named a Finalist in the 40th annual NAMM Technical Excellence and Creativity (TEC) Awards in the Headphone / Earpiece Technology category. Voting is now open in all categories through January 7; click here to cast your ballot.

Offering a practical, unobtrusive way to measure real-time and average sound levels when using IEMs or headphones, the dB Check Pro fills a unique need for musicians, audio engineers, sound reinforcement companies and any listener concerned with preserving their hearing. The TEC Award nomination further underscores Sensaphonics’ unique mission to educate and enable musicians, engineers, and others regularly exposed to high-SPL audio environments on how to maintain their hearing and perform safely at their best. Additionally, thanks to recent advancements in streamlined manufacturing techniques, Sensaphonics has announced new lower pricing of just $399 in celebration of their 40th anniversary throughout 2025, making safer listening more obtainable for everyone.

“This is a big win both for Sensaphonics and for musicians and industry professionals around the world,” states Sensaphonics president and founder Dr. Michael Santucci, Au.D. “The fact is, nearly all of the nominated TEC Award products are counting on the fact that you can hear them properly. To have a hearing health-related product like dB Check Pro in amongst these other amazing audio technologies is fitting, as it encourages safer listening without affecting the sound itself. As we tell all our music audiology patients, we cannot improve your current, natural hearing abilities, but with proper precautions - like using dB Check Pro - we can ensure that you can hear your best, and maintain that sense, throughout your career. Proper attitudes and awareness of hearing health can really help shape your path in the music industry and in life!”

The 40th annual TEC Awards will take place on Thursday, January 23, 2025, at The NAMM Show in Anaheim, California, with voting for each category beginning on December 12, 2024, and running through January 7, 2025. Presented annually by NAMM during The NAMM Show, The NAMM TEC Awards recognize the individuals, companies, and technical innovations behind the sound of recordings, live performances, films, television, video games, and other media in Technical and Creative Achievement Categories. Through its Hall of Fame, The TEC Awards also honors the pioneers of audio technology and the music industry’s most accomplished producers and audio technicians while celebrating innovations and groundbreaking technical achievements of the past. For more information, visit

About the dB Check Pro
The dB Check Pro was born out of Sensaphonics’ focus on preserving hearing health in the music industry. It displays how loud the user is listening to their IEMs or headphones, as well as the safe exposure time for that level – all in real time, and with both earpieces in place. This allows artists and engineers to set their listening levels safely based on how long they will be playing. dB Check Pro is literally the only device on the market that gives music professionals the knowledge of how loud and how long they can listen safely on stage, in rehearsal, and in the studio. dB Check Pro is programmed to work with over 140 top professional IEM and headphone models from 12 leading manufacturers (updatable) and also functions as a basic environmental sound level meter, with an integral on-board microphone to measure ambient room levels. 

Find out more about the Sensaphonics dB Check Pro sound level analyzer here.


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Photo file 1: dB_Check_Pro.JPG
Photo caption 1: The Sensaphonics dB Check Pro sound level analyzer is an in-line measurement device for in-ear monitors and headphones used to analyze and display the real-time and average dBA-SPL levels, along with safe listening times, with both earpieces in place.

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Robert Clyne                                       Email:
Clyne Media Inc.                                 Mobile: 615-300-4666

Founded in 1985 by Michael Santucci, Au.D., Sensaphonics Hearing Conservation, Inc., designs and manufactures custom-fitted in-ear monitors, earplugs and electronics designed to achieve safe, high-resolution audio in mission-critical applications. Serving a primary customer base of musicians and sound engineers, Sensaphonics products are used exclusively on all manned NASA missions and on the International Space Station. Other significant markets served by Sensaphonics include house of worship, theater, broadcasting, motorsports, aeronautics, and audiophile listening. Sensaphonics is committed to the preservation of hearing through superior products, audiological services and audio consulting, enabling longer, more productive careers and richer quality of life. Located in Chicago, Sensaphonics can be contacted toll-free at 877-848-1714, internationally at 312-432-1714, or online at







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