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Waves Immersive Wrapper


Contact: Clyne Media, Inc.
Tel: (615) 662-1616


Waves Audio now shipping Immersive Wrapper

— Turn any Waves mono plugin into an immersive mixing tool —

Knoxville, TN, December 18, 2024 — Waves Audio, the world’s leading developer of professional audio signal processing technologies and plugins, is now shipping Immersive Wrapper, an innovative utility tool that transforms any Waves mono-compatible plugin into an immersive processor for multi-channel and object-based mixing in Dolby Atmos® or other immersive formats.

Waves Immersive Wrapper brings the benefits of dedicated bus processing to Atmos mixes, solving a challenge faced by immersive mixers who have longed for the ability to shape the overall sound and character of an immersive mix with bus compression, EQ, or saturation just as they are accustomed to applying on a stereo master bus when mixing in two-channel stereo. While the immersive mix is still outputted to the renderer as separate beds and objects, Immersive Wrapper works in a control-linked multi-mono configuration to deliver output channel cohesion and a unified feel to mixes from mono up to 9.1.6 channel configurations.

“I can leverage the sonic bells and whistles that I have collected over decades of stereo experience for Dolby Atmos,” shares Engineer and Producer Hans-Martin Buff (Prince, Scorpions, Peter Gabriel), who contributed to the development of Immersive Wrapper. “This allows me to create a unified punch across seemingly unconnected tracks and custom-tailor presets to fit my immersive concepts. Every element of the spatial landscape can interact, functioning as a cohesive whole or as distinct fronts, surrounds, and tops. I can also develop mixing chains and truly immersive effects. With Immersive Wrapper, Dolby Atmos mixing is no longer a sonic workaround; it’s the plug-and-play experience it was meant to be.”

Immersive Wrapper opens the mono plugin across all the channels in the multichannel track. The multi-mono configuration, allows all instances of the plugin to be control-linked across beds and objects, functioning as a single plugin—similar to how a stereo plugin operates on a stereo bus. Additionally, the control-linking feature is highly flexible: users can easily link or unlink specific groups, such as tops or bottoms, while maintaining relative control positions for optimal precision—all with just a single click.

For dynamics plugins, Waves has enabled internal sidechains that are shared across all the beds and objects, to allow for a bus compression glue effect – the chosen dynamics plugin effectively behaves like a single processor on the bus. Additionally, the shared sidechain system is highly flexible as well, providing users with complete control with just a few clicks.

With Waves’ Immersive Wrapper used across the beds and objects of an immersive music mix, mixers can finally build a master bus processing plugin chain, linked and controlled together, with the option of a shared sidechain where appropriate, using all their favorite Waves mono-compatible plugins.

Producer and mixing engineer Yaron Fuchs (Herbie Hancock, Madonna, Ari Abdul, G-Eazy), who contributed to the Immersive Wrapper as well, comments, “Mix bus processing has long been the foundation of gluing a mix together in the stereo realm, but has been the Achilles heel in the immersive format. Though possible, it was clunky and complex. The Immersive Wrapper solves this issue. No more control-linking multiple tracks or using less-than-ideal plugins. I can simply add my favorite Waves plugins and bus-process in Atmos the same way I would in a stereo mix. Immersive Wrapper allows me to utilize an Atmos 'Mix Bus' approach, replicating my ‘glue’ across an immersive mix. With the intuitive sidechain and grouping features, I can easily link buses, objects and speaker arrays to follow (or not follow!) Immersive Bed processing.”

Fuchs adds, “This plugin solves an issue we were all facing. It removes some of the technical barriers and prohibitions in current workflows and allows mixers to get back to creatively mixing. Users will instantly find creative ways to bus-process an Immersive Mix. For example, I’ve grown to love adding various blends of saturation across speaker arrays, independently from my L/R stereo processing. Users will instantly find creative uses for otherwise under-utilized plugin families in an Immersive Mix. I’m glad to have had the opportunity to contribute to this solution.”

Buff concludes: “I’m very grateful that I could successfully annoy the good people of Waves into giving this idea a go – thank you! Many music professionals worry that spatial music compromises sound and punch, which discourages them from trying it. With the Immersive Wrapper, that concern is eliminated, and I’m proud to contribute to the solution. It’s all about creativity now, and the immersive sky is literally the limit.”

Immersive Wrapper Features

  • Supports all track types, from mono to 7.1.2 to 9.1.6 and everything in between
  • Supports all mono-compatible Waves plugins
  • Create advanced multi-mono configurations with flexible linking and relative parameter control
  • Cross-track “Global Group” linking expands multi-mono functionality to cover an entire immersive (e.g. Atmos) mix
  • Comprehensive shared internal sidechain system, for mix-wide dynamics processing

Waves Immersive Wrapper is available for purchase as a single plugin (perpetual license), and is also included in the Waves Ultimate subscription.

Video: How to Glue Your Mixes in ATMOS – Immersive Wrapper Tutorial

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Photo caption 1: Waves Immersive Wrapper

About Waves Audio Ltd.:
Waves is the world’s leading developer of audio DSP solutions for music production, recording, mixing, mastering, sound design, post-production, live sound, broadcast, commercial and consumer electronics audio markets. Since its start in the early ‘90s, Waves has developed a comprehensive line of over 250 audio plugins and numerous hardware devices. For its accomplishments, Waves received a Technical GRAMMY® Award in 2011; an Engineering, Science & Technology Emmy® Award for its Waves Clarity Vx Pro plugin in 2023; and a 2024 NAMM Technical Excellence & Creativity Award for its Clarity Vx DeReverb Pro plugin. Additionally, its early flagship plugin, the Q10 equalizer, was selected as an inductee into the TECnology Hall of Fame.

Increasingly leveraging pioneering techniques in artificial intelligence, neural networks and machine learning, as well as the company’s three decades of accumulated expertise in psychoacoustics, Waves technologies are being used to improve sound quality in a growing number of market sectors. Around the world, Waves’ award-winning plugins are utilized in the creation of hit records, major motion pictures, and top-selling video games. Additionally, Waves now offers hardware-plus-software solutions (including the revolutionary eMotion LV1 mixer) for professional audio markets. The company’s WavesLive division is a leader in the live sound sector, spearheading the development of solutions for all live platforms. Products from Waves Commercial Audio enable A/V system integrators and installers to deliver superior sound quality for corporate, commercial, government, educational, entertainment, sports and house-of-worship applications. Under its Maxx brand, Waves offers semiconductor and licensable algorithms for consumer electronics applications, used in laptops, smartphones, smart speakers, gaming headsets, TVs and more from industry leaders such as Dell, Google, Fitbit, Acer, Asus, Hisense and others.

North America Offices:
Waves, Inc., 2800 Merchants Drive, Knoxville, TN 37912;
Tel: 865-909-9200, Fax: 865-909-9245, Email: info@waves.com
Web: http://www.waves.com 

Corporate Headquarters Israel:
Waves Ltd., Azrieli Center, The Triangle Tower, 32nd Floor, Tel Aviv 67023, Israel;
Tel: 972-3-608-4000, Fax: 972-3-608-4056, Email: info@waves.com,
Web: http://www.waves.com 

Waves Public Relations:
Clyne Media, Inc., 169-B Belle Forest Circle, Nashville, TN 37221;
Tel: 615-662-1616, Email: robert@clynemedia.com,
Web: http://www.clynemedia.com 


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