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RF Venue®’s free e-book, Cracking the Code: Conquering Wireless Dropouts is an easy-to-understand, math-free primer on the causes of wireless system dropouts and how to avoid them

RF Venue co-founder and Chief Innovation Officer Chris Regan

Radio frequency interference and other causes of dropouts, and the tools and techniques to eliminate them, are revealed in RF Venue®’s free e-book, Cracking the Code: Conquering Wireless Dropouts

RF Venue


RF Venue contact:
Chris Regan
Chief Innovation Officer
Phone: 800.795.0817

PR contact:
Clyne Media, Inc.
Robert Clyne, President
Phone: 615.662.1616

RF Venue is Cracking the Code on wireless audio dropouts with free e-book

 — RF Venue®’s latest e-book, Cracking the Code: Conquering Wireless Dropouts is an easy-to-understand, math-free presentation of the foundational knowledge needed to understand the causes of wireless system dropouts and how to avoid them —

Walpole, MA, USA, November 22, 2024 — Achieving reliable wireless audio is possible in any situation when the setup includes the essential radio frequency (RF) hardware needed for the application and venue, combined with the core knowledge required to effectively deploy those tools. That foundational knowledge is available from the new e-book Cracking the Code: Conquering Wireless Dropouts, from RF Venue, the leading global manufacturer of wireless audio essentials that ensure optimum performance from wireless microphone and in-ear monitor (IEM) systems of any brand or model.

“In a concise, easily understood fashion – just eight pages – Cracking the Code: Conquering Wireless Dropouts presents the fundamental concepts affecting the performance of wireless audio systems,” says RF Venue Chief Innovation Officer, Chris Regan, “The e-book is accessible to the least technically inclined end users and facility managers, while being valuable as well for even seasoned professionals that find themselves grappling with the complexities of radio frequency (RF) interference. Through an understanding of the nature and causes of dropouts, the antennas and devices available to address the common issues, and the application of our best practices for deploying and fine-tuning systems, consistent and reliable wireless system performance can be achieved.”

The free guide, which additionally includes a glossary of RF terms, is available for free download from the RF Venue website.

“Our new e-book delivers the essential knowledge every wireless audio user needs to understand how essential accessories eliminate dropouts” says Regan. “It’s a fast, illustrated read with no math. For those who want to build on that core knowledge, the RF Venue website offers a host of educational blogs, videos and tutorials for a deeper dive.”

RF Venue
Cracking the Code: Conquering Wireless Dropouts

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Photo caption 1: RF Venue®’s free e-book, Cracking the Code: Conquering Wireless Dropouts is an easy-to-understand, math-free primer on the causes of wireless system dropouts and how to avoid them

Photo file 2: ChrisRegan.jpg
Photo caption 2: RF Venue co-founder and Chief Innovation Officer Chris Regan

Photo file 3: RF–Noise.jpg
Photo caption 3: Radio frequency interference and other causes of dropouts, and the tools and techniques to eliminate them, are revealed in RF Venue®’s free e-book, Cracking the Code: Conquering Wireless Dropouts

About RF Venue®
RF Venue, Inc. is an innovative and fast-growing developer and manufacturer of patented antenna and RF communications products headquartered near Boston, Massachusetts, USA. The company designs and builds specialized antennas and distribution to make wireless microphones and In Ear Monitors (IEMs) work and sound better. Markets include houses of worship, schools, business venues and performance spaces worldwide. RF Venue is known for its highly successful wireless mic essentials: Diversity Fin®, Diversity Architectural™, Diversity Omni™, and RF Spotlight™ antennas and HDR distribution, to include: HDR DISTRO9™ and the new HDR DISTRO5™. It is also known for its IEM essentials: CP Beam™ and CP Architectural™ antennas and the new HDR COMBINE6™, along with other RF products. Visit to learn more.









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